Illustration of a bird flying.

You ,


Awareness requires living in the here and now, and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.

Eric Berne

Price references.

Because it’s a factor.



2-8 monthly meetings,

50 minutes / session.
*price per session



2-8 monthly meetings

75 minutes / session.
*price per session


Teens & Children

2-8 monthly meetings,

50 minutes / session.
*price per session

* My fee is flexible. If your current financial situation makes it uncomfortable, please let me know.

a bit of background

about me

Registered with the Romanian Psychology Collegium under no 27638.

At the heart of my practice is genuinely relating to the people I work with. While I am invested in keeping up to date with research, I believe that psychotherapy goes beyond theory into a lived experience that allows for change and doesn’t just inform it.

I have 13 Years of Training in Psychotherapy1, a B.A. in Psychology2, a M. Sc. in Psychology3, a couple thousands of hours of client work and I am still very interested in learning more about


Sometimes I write on my BLOG.

  • Online resouces (free)

    Online resouces (free)

    If you’re interested in psychology and psychotherapy, there are many YouTube channels that can provide you with valuable information and insights. Here are the top 5 most used YouTube channels on this topic: P.S. A bonus resource and not really a channel – Robert Sapolsky’s lectures on Human Behavioral Biology – they are famous for…

  • Why Therapy is for Everyone

    Why Therapy is for Everyone

    Everyone should have the option to be well.

  • Why Transactional Analysis is the best method of therapy and all the other methods of therapy are the best too.

    Why Transactional Analysis is the best method of therapy and all the other methods of therapy are the best too.

    It’s because psychotherapy is effective. Campbell, L. F., Norcross, J. C., Vasquez, M. J., & Kaslow, N. J. (2013). Recognition of psychotherapy effectiveness: the APA resolution. Psychotherapy, 50(1), 98. Seligman, M. E. (1995). The effectiveness of psychotherapy: The Consumer Reports study. American psychologist, 50(12), 965. Lambert, M. J., Bergin, A. E., & Garfield, S. L. (1994). The effectiveness of…

Illustration of a bird sitting on a branch.
Illustration of a bird flying.

© Oana Bacil and her dog Maia.

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